“I love the fact that her tests are recorded and available for review at all times, with no reason for interruption. When my teenage daughter has challenging days, and just wants to forget, for a little while, that she is diabetic, I have access to her tests and can take over, giving her direction and break from the decisions on how to respond with adjustments to dosage, basil rate, or bolus, carbohydrates, etc.”

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Benefits for Family and Caregivers

Caregivers and family members live with the disease right along side every diabetic patient. They experience the same highs and lows and often have to sit back and watch helplessly as their loved one’s condition wanes.

MyGlucoHealth is uniquely designed not only to help caregivers and family members better assist in patient care, it gives them the freedom to stand back and carefully monitor the person with diabetes from a distance.

With real-time blood glucose data, trending charts, information on medication levels and diet all accessible through the MyGlucoHealth Network Portal, caregivers have the information they need to stay intimately connected with the hourly care of the person with diabetes. Patients receive better care, caregivers get more freedom and family members have piece of mind.

Benefits for Families & Caregivers

  • Helps caregivers better provide for their loved ones
  • Real-time online test results and analysis 24 hours a day
  • Better information equals peace of mind
  • Access to loved ones’ results from a Mobile Phone or PC
  • Improved ability to support persons with diabetes