“No made up results. I have better control and get better advice by my doctor when they have the correct results. Doctors compare the current and past readings and put me on the right medications.”

Benefits For Persons with Diabetes

The MyGlucoHealth Wireless meter along with the MyGlucoHealth Network offer a comprehensive diabetes management platform that gives patients more direct control over their care and provides clear lines of communication with their clinician, family and caregivers.

MyGlucoHealth Benefits

  • Smallest sample size: 0.3 microliter
  • Fastest testing: 3 second results
  • Auto-coding
  • Alternate site testing
  • Plasma-calibrated for increased accuracy
  • Add blood to test strips for up to one minute
  • Easy-to-read display, large clear buttons
  • Completely eliminates the need for manual recording and log books
  • Unique Mobile Application provides analysis tools in the palm of your hand

Health Benefits

  • Better communication between you and your clinician to effectively treat your diabetes.
  • Test results are wirelessly transmitted to the MyGlucoHealth Portal using Bluetooth technology and your mobile phone
  • Secure private, online portal to review and evaluate daily blood test readings.
  • Automated online system for alerts, testing and medication reminders.
  • Expanding collection of in-depth diabetes treatment and lifestyle resources on the Portal.
  • Helps you take “ownership” of your disease management, so you can make better lifestyle choices.

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