“I have more direct, believable data on my patients than I ever have. I’m more confident in my diagnoses than I’ve ever been, especially when you compare the real-time data I receive versus patient managed log books.”

Benefits for Clinicians, Nurses & Diabetes Educators

MyGlucoHealth Network offers significant benefits to clinicians and care providers. The key to the network is the technology that quietly monitors not just the testing results of patients, but also the patterns of their testing. Using this information and automated tools, the MyGlucoHealth Network can set up reminders to encourage patients to test more frequently, as well as to notify clinicians when testing patterns fluctuate.

Clinicians can have direct access to real-time, accurate and direct readings from the patient’s blood glucose meter. This data helps clarify and define treatment strategies and improve overall patient care. Clinicians can log into the Portal independently to view a full patient dashboard, evaluate graphs, as well as set monitoring targets and alerts. The Portal will notify the clinician directly or alert the patient, family or caregivers if readings exceed thresholds. Permission to access MyGlucoHealth Physicians’ Portal can be granted to multiple clinicians to view a defined population of patient data.

Direct Benefits

  • The most advanced Blood Glucose Meter on the market
  • Completely eliminates the need for manual recording and log books
  • Helps patients better manage their diabetes to maintain better overall health
  • Real-time online test results and analysis with customized alerts
  • Telemedicine consults
  • Universally integrates with electronic Healthcare Information Systems
  • Direct secure communication with clinicians using the mobile application and web portal