MyGlucoHealth Lancing Device & Testing Supplies

Lancing Device

Lancing devices are critical tools for obtaining blood samples for glucose measurement. The MyGlucoHealth Lancing Device features single-touch operation and a super-fine gauge needle to simplify testing and reduce overall pain.

To help minimize pain and discomfort, the MyGlucoHealth device features one-handed operation with the press of a button—just like a ballpoint pen. Since the MyGlucoHealth meter requires only a very small blood sample (0.3 microliters) the adjustable sleeve on the device can be set to produce only minimal amount of blood. This reduces pain and encourages persons with diabetes to test more regularly.

Control Solution

The MyGlucoHealth Control Solution is used to check that the Meter and test strips are working together as a system and that you are performing the test correctly. It is very important that the control solution is used routinely to make sure that you receive accurate results.

The MyGlucoHealth Control Solution contains a measured amount of glucose that reacts with the MyGlucoHealth Test Strips. Compare your control solution test results with the expected range printed on the strip vial label. The control solution test is similar to a blood test except that you use the MyGlucoHealth Control Solution instead of a drop of blood. Control Solution results are not posted or recorded as part of your records.

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